Friday, May 20, 2011


  • What make people interested in art?
I've always been fascinated by colors. I'm the geek who opens every single tube of paint in the paint store looking at the pure color.... then thinks "What can I do with this color?" or "how could I use this color?" and then smudges a little out to see how it looks thinand what the undertone is...........
well, that and the painting my parents had over our couch in the den by some no-name named Roussou or somesuch of a single wave crashing over a beach in shades of green with a dirty white scumbled over the top for textural effects of the foam under s dark cloudy sky..... __________________
"The threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but as I said, it is not new. It has been with us since the end of that war, and particularly in the last four years we know after Operation Desert Fox failed to force him to reaccept them, that he has continued to build those weapons. He has had a free hand for four years to reconstitute these weapons, allowing the world, during the interval, to lose the focus we had on weapons of mass destruction and the issue of proliferation."--John Kerry, Oct. 9, 2002

  • This is a person talking about why they like art so much I feel that they had the best one out of everybody on the website. Art is people expression. I like art because it shows how you feel and if I cant show my feelings I draw!!!!

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